Rehanging the Gutter Adze

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I bought this gutter adze at a flea market earlier this summer. I brought it home and sharpened it. It worked fairly well, but the handle was short, and ultimately it broke.
Today I decided to rehang it. Finding a piece of straight grained Ash, I cut it to length and split it out slightly over-sized.

Rehanging the Adze 1

I laid out the handle I wanted, roughly following a Axe handle.

Rehanging the Adze 1

After marking it out I cut the rough shape on the band saw and began to shape it with a draw knife.

Rehanging the Adze 2

Then some carving with my trusty Bearded Hatchet / Axe combo to fit the handle into the head.

Rehanging the Adze 3

Some finer fitting with the Shinto Rasp.

Rehanging the Adze 4

And then some additional final fitting with the Mora #106. It took a little back and forth with the knife and the rasp to get it just right.

Rehanging the Adze 5

The wedge slot was cut with the band saw, making sure it was parallel to the grain.

Rehanging the Adze 6

And for the wedge I chose a piece of rosewood from the scrap bucket

Rehanging the Adze 7

A quick coat of BLO and it’s ready to be tested. Here is a half log split from a dead black birch.

Rehanging the Adze 9

It now has the length to work with one or two hands. A two hand grip can really make the chips fly.


Rehanging the Adze 8Rehanging the Adze 9

This is bigger than my other adzes, so it will be handy for the larger bowls.

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