North Brothers “Yankee” No.1530A

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A sophisticated little hand drill that leaves very little to be desired.

A combination of this drills ratchet modes, small size, low weight and performance under load makes it one of the best compact hand drills ever made (if not the best). The performance under load is largely down to the 2-pinion mechanism, something not often found in compact hand drills; indeed this mechanism outperforms the load capabilities of many larger standard hand drills.

North Brothers "Yankee" No.1530A (ratchet selector)

Ratchet modes:

– Plain – Drives like a normal hand cranked drill

– L.H. Ratchet – Stands for ‘Left Hand’ Ratchet

– R.H. ”  – Stands for ‘Right Hand’ Ratchet

– R.H. Double – The drill will spin clockwise (from the point of view the your using the drill) no matter which way you crank.

– Lock – The spindle locks, this is useful for tightening and loosening the chuck

The ratchet is very fine with even the slightest shift of the handle being sufficient to trigger a delicate “click” (if not several), this allows drilling with ludicrously small movements of the crank in “R.H. Double” mode.

North Brothers "Yankee" No.1530A

North Brothers "Yankee" No.1530A


  • Weight: 600g
  • Length: 290mm
  • Drive Wheel Diameter: 80mm
  • Chuck Type: Protected Spring
  • Chuck Capacity: 10mm
  • Chuck External Diameter: 25mm
  • Frame: Die-cast (I think)
  • Handle(s): Hardwood
  • Mechanism: 2-Pinion, ratcheting, hardened plate thrust bearing
  • Special Features: Ratchets, Bit storage handle

Model Information

  • Dated: unknown
  • Production period: unknown
  • Patent: unknown
  • Made by: North Brothers, Philadelphia, USA

Notes: The No.1530 seems to be identical to this No.1530A except for a slightly different chuck and the brass parts are steel on the No.1530.






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