I’ve never found a good source for Sargent planes with pictures. Much information can be found at http://www.sargent-planes.com. This should help supplement that and other sites. I’ll continue to add information as I find it.
I want to thank all those who have helped by sending me pictures and information.
- If you are looking to date your Sargent #400 series bench plane, click here.
- Click here for my restoration guide.
- Click here to contact me. I would appreciate any missing pictures. (please specify if you’d like the picture to say “From the collection of XX”)
- Examples of Sargent plane
7 Smooth Plane

7C Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane
8 Smooth Plane

8C Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane

9C Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane

10C Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane

14C Corrugated Bottom Jack Plane

15 Jack Plane (More info available)

15C Corrugated Bottom Jack Plane

18C Corrugated Bottom Fore Plane
22 Jointer Plane
22C Corrugated Bottom Jointer Plane
24 Jointer Plane
24C Corrugated Bottom Jointer Plane
29 Carriage Maker’s Iron Rabbet Plane

29C Corrugated Bottom Carriage Maker’s Iron Rabbet Plane
30 Carriage Maker’s Iron Rabbet Plane

30C Corrugated Bottom Carriage Maker’s Iron Rabbet Plane
31 Rabbit Plane
32 Dado & Rabbet Plane

33 Dado & Rabbet Plane
34 Dado & Rabbet Plane

35 Dado & Rabbet Plane
36 Dado & Rabbet Plane
37 Dado & Rabbet Plane
38 Dado & Rabbet Plane

51 Scraper

57 Scraper Plane (2 1.2″ wide)

59 Scraper Plane (3″ wide)

60 Cast Iron Plane Knob
61 Router Plane

62 Router Plane
73 Router Plane

76 Circular Plane

79 Filletster & Rabbet Plane

81 Rabbet Plane
104 Block Plane

105 Block Plane

106 Block Plane

107 Block Plane

160 Roughing Plane (Solid Casting)
160 Roughing Plane

161 Roughing Plane (Solid Casting)

161 Roughing Plane
162 Roughing Plane (Solid Casting)
162 Roughing Plane
186 Rabbet Plane

187 Rabbet Plane
188 Rabbet Plane
196 Rabbet Plane

197 Rabbet Plane

198 Rabbet Plane
206 Block Plane

207 Block Plane

208 Block Plane

217 Block Plane

227 Double End Block Plane

306 Block Plane
306 type 2 Block Plane

306 Later Block

307 Block Plane

316 Block Plane
317 Block Plane

407 Smooth Plane

The last 407 is with brass inserts that were produced in limited runs sometime between 1927 and 1939.
407C Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane
408 Smooth Plane

408C Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane

409 Smooth Plane

409C Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane
410 Smooth Plane

410C Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane
411 Jack Plane

411C Corrugated Bottom Jack Plane
414 Jack Plane

414C Corrugated Bottom Jack Plane
415 Jack Plane
415C Corrugated Bottom Jack Plane
418 Fore Plane

418C Corrugated Bottom Fore Plane
422 Jointer Plane

422C Corrugated Bottom Jointer Plane
424 Jointer Plane

424C Corrugated Bottom Jointer Plane
505 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane

507 Rabbet Block Plane

514 Low Angle Block Plane
Similar to Stanley #62. See Patrick’s Blood and Gore Sargent No. 514

600 Aluminum Smooth Plane

600 “Kenewa” Wooden Smooth Plane
601 “Kenewa” Wooden Jack Plane
604 “U.S.” Wooden Smooth Plane
605 “U.S.” Wooden Jack Plane
606 Low Angle Block Plane

607 Low Angle Block Plane

608 “Kenewa” Wooden Smooth Plane
609 “Kenewa” Wooden Jack Plane
610 “Kenewa” Wooden Fore Plane
611 “Kenewa” Wooden Jointer Plane
612 “U.S.” Wooden Smooth Plane

612-1/2 “U.S.” Wooden Razee Smooth Plane
613 “U.S.” Wooden Jack Plane

613-1/2 “U.S.” Wooden Razee Jack Plane
614 “U.S.” Wooden Fore Plane
614-1/2 “U.S.” Wooden Razee Fore Plane
615 “U.S.” Wooden Jointer Plane
615-1/2 “U.S.” Wooden Razee Jointer Plane
623 “U.S.” Wooden Side Bead Moulding Plane
624 “U.S.” Wooden Side Bead Moulding Plane
626 “U.S.” Wooden Centre Bead Moulding Plane
628 “U.S.” Wooden Reeding Plane
632 “U.S.” Wooden Nosing or Step Plane
633 “U.S.” Wooden Nosing or Step Plane
633-1/2 “U.S.” Wooden Nosing or Step Plane
638 Wooden Dado Plane
639 Wooden Dado Plane
646 Wooden Filletster Plane
647 Wooden Filletster Plane
648 Wooden Filletster Plane
649 Wooden Filletster Plane
650 Wooden Filletster Plane
651 Wooden Filletster Plane
655 Wooden Rabbet Plane
657 Wooden Rabbet Plane
659 Wooden Rabbet Plane
660 Wooden Rabbet Plane
663 Wooden Hollow and Round Planes
671 Wooden Match Plane
672 Wooden Match Plane
673 Wooden Match Plane
674 Wooden Match Plane
675 Wooden Match Plane
676 Wooden Match Plane
678 Wooden Match Plane
681 Wooden Match Plane
682 Wooden Match Plane
695 Wooden Sash Plane
695-1/2 Wooden Sash Plane
704 “U.S.” Wooden Plain Ogee Plane
707 Auto-Set Smooth Plane
707C Corrugated Bottom Auto-Set Smooth Plane
707 “U.S.” Wooden Reverse Ogee and Square Plane
707-1/2 “U.S.” Wooden Roman Reverse Ogee Plane
708 Auto-Set Smooth Plane

708C Corrugated Bottom Auto-Set Smooth Plane
708 “U.S.” Wooden Grecian Ogee Plane
709 “U.S.” Wooden Grecian Ogee and Bevel Plane
709-1/2 “U.S.” Wooden Grecian Ogee and Bead Plane
710 Auto-Set Smooth Plane

710C Corrugated Bottom Auto-Set Smooth Plane
711 Auto-Set Jack Plane

711C Corrugated Bottom Auto-Set Jack Plane
714 Auto-Set Jack Plane

714C Corrugated Bottom Auto-Set Jack Plane
717 “U.S.” Wooden Scotia or Quarter Round Plane
717-1/2 “U.S.” Wooden Quarter Round or Casing Plane
717-3/4 “U.S.” Wooden Casing Moulding Plane
718 Auto-Set Fore Plane

718C Corrugated Bottom Auto-Set Fore Plane

719 “U.S.” Wooden Cove Plane
722 Auto-Set Jointer Plane

722C Corrugated Bottom Auto-Set Jointer Plane

730 “U.S.” Wooden Grooving Plow Plane
732 “U.S.” Wooden Grooving Plow Plane
734 “U.S.” Wooden Grooving Plow Plane
735 “U.S.” Wooden Grooving Plow Plane
736 “U.S.” Wooden Grooving Plow Plane
738 “U.S.” Wooden Grooving Plow Plane
743 “U.S.” Wooden Grooving Plow Plane
904 Selected Bench Plane (Handled Smoother)

905 Selected Bench Plane (Handled Jack)

906 Selected Bench Plane (Handled Fore)

923 Wooden Ship Smooth Plane
924 Wooden Ship Razee Jack Plane
925 Wooden Ship Razee Fore Plane
926 Wooden Ship Razee Jointer Plane
927 Wooden Ship Spar Plane
930 Wooden Tooth Plane
931 Wooden Mitre Square Plane
932 Wooden Mitre Smooth Shape Plane
934 Wooden Mitre Smooth Shape Plane
1066 Matching Plane
1067 Matching Plane

1068 Matching Plane
1074 Circular Plane
1080 Combination Plane
1080 Combination Plane (Stanley Made)
1080 – PB Combination Plane
1085 Combination Plane
1107 Block Plane
1107 Hercules Low-Price Brand Block Plane
1107 Hercules Golden Cutter Block Plane
1206 Block Plane
1207 Block Plane
1216 Block Plane
1217 Block Plane
1217 Hercules Golden Cutter Block Plane
1306 Block Plane

1307 Block Plane
1316 Block Plane
1317 Block Plane
1408 Smooth Plane
1408 Hercules Low-Price Brand Smooth Plane

1408 Hercules Golden Cutter Smooth Plane
1408 Smooth Plane
1409 Hercules Low-Price Brand Smooth Plane

1409 Hercules Golden Cutter Smooth Plane
1409 Smooth Plane
1409C Hercules Low-Price Brand Smooth Plane
1414 Hercules Low-Price Brand Jack Plane

1414 Hercules Golden Cutter Jack Plane
1414 Jack Plane
1414C Hercules Low-Price Brand Jack Plane
1506 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane
1506-1/2 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane

1507 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane

1507-1/2 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane

1508 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane (Lady Bug Rabbit Plane)
1508-1/2 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane

1509 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane
1509-1/2 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane
1606 Low Angle Block Plane

1607 Low Angle Block Plane

2204 All-Steel Block Plane

3407 Wood Bottom Smooth Plane

3408 Wood Bottom Smooth Plane

3409 Wood Bottom Smooth Plane

3410 Wood Bottom Smooth Plane

3411 Wood Bottom Smooth Plane

3412 Wood Bottom Smooth Plane

3415 Wood Bottom Jack Plane

3416 Wood Bottom Jack Plane
3417 Wood Bottom Jack Plane

3418 Wood Bottom Fore Plane
3420 Wood Bottom Fore Plane

3422 Wood Bottom Jointer Plane
3424 Wood Bottom Jointer Plane

3426 Wood Bottom Jointer Plane

3428 Wood Bottom Jointer Plane
3430 Wood Bottom Jointer Plane
4206 All-Steel Low Angle Block Plane

4302 Rabbet Plane Block Plane, bronze cap, just like the Lie Neilson and based on the Sargent 507, 6 1/4″ long & 1 3/4″ wide with a 12 degree bedded blade, iron body and 1/8″ thick cutter.
4306 Knuckle Joint Block Plane

4307 Knuckle Joint Block Plane

a type 2 (1910-1918) Sargent No. 4307
5206 All-Steel Low Angle Block Plane

5217 Block Plane
5306 Knuckle Joint Block Plane
5307 Knuckle Joint Block Plane

The #5400 Series of bench planes was very short lived and lasted just 3-years, from 1907 thru 1909.
5407 Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane
5408 Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane
5409 Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane

5410 Corrugated Bottom Smooth Plane
5414 Corrugated Bottom Jack Plane
5418 Corrugated Bottom Fore Plane
5422 Corrugated Bottom Jointer Plane
5424 Corrugated Bottom Jointer Plane
5607 Low Angle Knuckle Joint Block Plane

6408 Smooth Plane
The Sargent 6408 is a fairly rare hand plane. (click here for more)

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