Stanley #127 TRANSITIONAL – LIBERTY BELL 1877-1918
Length 15″
Width of cutter 2 1/8″
Weight 3 1/2#

STANLEY #129 Liberty Bell Transitional Fore Plane
STANLEY #129 Liberty Bell Transitional Fore Plane
20"L, 2 3/8"W, 5 5/8lbs, 1877-1918.
STANLEY #129 Transitional – Liberty Bell
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(MY #129-081017-16)
Stanley #104 Liberty Bell Smoothing Plane
Stanley #104 Liberty Bell Smoothing Plane 1877-1918
Length 9" Width of cutter 2 1/8" Weight 3 1/8#
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Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane
Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane 1877-1918
Length 14"Width of cutter 2 1/8"Weight 3 7/8#
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(My # 105-030423-2)
Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane with Undocumented Raised Tote Receiver
Stanley #105 Liberty Bell Jack Plane with Undocumented Raised Tote Receiver. It is probably the last type.
Note the side by side comparison with a typical Liberty Bell and the type with a flat receiver.
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STANLEY #122 Transitional Liberty Bell
This is a Liberty Bell Plane
Stanley #122 Smooth plane, 8"L, 1 3/4"W, 2 3/8lbs, 1877-1917.
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(MY # 122-081017-2)
(My #122-022523-1)
Stanley #122 Transitional Liberty Bell Type 1
Stanley #122 Transitional Liberty Bell Type 1
Stanley #122 Smooth plane, 8"L, 1 3/4"W, 2 3/8lbs, 1877-1917.
Stanley #127 TRANSITIONAL – LIBERTY BELL 1877-1918
Length 15"Width of cutter 2 1/8"Weight 3 1/2#
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Stanley #127 Transitional Jack Plane
Stanley #127 TRANSITIONAL – LIBERTY BELL 1877-1918
Length 15"Width of cutter 2 1/8"Weight 3 1/2#
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(My #127-020623-4)
Stanley #135 Transitional - Liberty Bell
STANLEY #135 Transitional - Liberty Bell
STANLEY #135 Smooth plane, 10"L, 2 1/8"W, 3lbs, 1877-1918.
I believe this plane was made between 1876-1886.
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(MY #135-081017-8)
Stanley Liberty Bell #105 Jack Plane
Stanley Liberty Bell #105 Jack Plane
14" Long Weight 3# 8oz
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Liberty Bell Examples
(My #105-011523-3)
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