Something very very cool showed up in my mailbox today. This is a Birmingham B plane. Birmingham Plane Mfg Co made many cool planes, but this one seems to be undocumented.
Here I’ve compared it to my #4 B Lane, and there is no doubt, this was a Birmingham B plane #4, with an adjustable mouth.
I don’t believe this was ever produced. So maybe a prototype!! (see update below) (here is some Birmingham Plane History)
Its very similar to the Union #4 1/4 (see photos below)
Its does also have a movable frog, so I we may ask what’s the point? Where they trying to get somewhere they never got to?
Here are some side by side comparisons with a regular Birmingham B plane #4.
Edit 6/11/2-16
The B plane patent was given to George D. Mosher on October 22, 1889.
In 1900 Union Purchased Derby (Birmingham) Plane Manufacturing
1900-1903 Union only manufactured B planes
So B Planes would have been manufactured 1889 – 1903
But it’s obvious they changed bases to the Union style at some point, but when?
1904 Union started making the planes with their patented lateral lever (like on the x series)
Below is what “MAY” be an earlier Derby. Its the only one I have, and the base is not marked, so I can’t be certain at this point. If I can get more evidence that the plane base on the right is in fact a pre-Union Derby B plane, we have an answer of when.
Here are the pictures of the Union #4 1/4
We can see by this add that this is in fact a Birmingham B Plane made by Derby

Additional Birmingham Examples
Birmingham "B" Plane #120 Block Plane
Birmingham #103 Block Plane
Birmingham #120 Block Plane
Birmingham #15 B Plane Block
Birmingham #26 Transitional B Plane
Birmingham #4 B Plane Smoother
Birmingham #4 B Plane Smoother
Birmingham #5 B Plane Jack
Birmingham #9 1/2 Block Plane for Parts or Display
Birmingham 6" Block Plane
Birmingham 6″ Block Plane (Simplest)
Birmingham 7″ Block Plane (Simplest)
Birmingham B Plane with an Adjustable Mouth (AKA Derby #4 1/4)
(My #425-031523-7)
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