Goodall Hand Planes

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Goodall Hand Planes

According to PTAMPIA Samuel I. Goodall manufactured planes from 1894 to 1896 in Philadelphia PA.. He made both metallic and wood bottom planes.

Stanley bought them out in 1896 to eliminate the competition.

This self setting type is what I would call their claim to fame. A self setting type similar to the Gage.

Many all have a nut on the rear tote.


                   This Section is by David W. BABCOCK

I. History

A. Samuel I. Goodall (1855-1932)

  1. Maker: The Goodall Plane Co. 1894-1896 Philadelphia, PA (as noted in Patented Transitional & Metallic Planes in America by Roger K. Smith)
  2. Purchased by Stanley 1896 (this could not be verified with Stanley)
  3. U.S. City Directories, Philadelphia show Samuel I. Goodall was involved in the hardware business as early as 1888
  4. U.S, Census 1900-1920 indicate Goodall was a “hardware merchant”; the 1930 Census indicates he was a “hardware manufacturer”

B. The Central Hardware Company, Maker of the Goodall Plane; 1716 Vine St., Philadelphia, PA (Earliest reference found, 1899 catalog which does not show the planes, latest reference found is a piece of ephemera dated 1934, the only reference to planes being in the letterhead)

  1. Given the 1930 Census, I assume Goodall worked at Central Hardware
  2. Joseph S. Goodall (1894-1961), son of Samuel, appears to have been an officer with Central Hardware, his signature has been observed on several pieces of ephemera dating between 1925-1934

II. Goodall Planes Manufactured by The Goodall Co.

Note: I have not physically observed any of these planes, only images found on the web, these have all been Transitional Planes.

A. Characteristics

  1. Bailey style frog
  2. Lever cap (not a threaded cap iron wedge)
  3. Full length steel frame
  4. “The Goodall Co.”, model number and Phila,Pa. stamped on the toe

B. Models (from images found on the web)

  1. Block Planes, Models 21, 24 & 25
  2. Jack Planes, Models 28 & 31

C.  Models (from Tool Collector’s Guide to Value, by Ronald S. Barlow)

  1. Fore Plane Model 29
  2. Smoothing Plane Model 35

III. Goodall Planes Manufactured by The Central Hardware Co.

A.  Unique Characteristics

  1. Threaded cap iron wedge
  2. Tote secured with threaded rod and nut

B.   Types (These “type” numbers are my designation and not the maker and will be used for reference)

  1. Non-Adjustable blade (no mechanical adjustment)
  2. Adjustable blade (threaded blade adjuster, 2 types have been observed)
  3. “Gage” type self setting blade (requires the threaded blade adjuster)
  4. “Bailey” style frog

C.  Sole Size (observed)

  1. 8 15/16” x 2” (similar to Stanley No. 3)
  2. 9 ¼” x 2” (similar to Stanley No. 4)
  3. 13 7/8” x 2 ¼” (similar to Stanley No. 5)

Note: Dimensions could vary plus or minus 1/8”

D.  Blade Width (observed)

  1. 1 ¾” (No. 3)
  2. 1 7/8” (No. 4)
  3. 2” (No. 5)

E.  Models

  1. I have found one image on the web showing a Size 3, Type 1 with the box, the box label identifies this as a Model 25
  2. From the Tool Collector’s Guide to Value by Ronald S. Barlow, reference is made to a Model 8 metallic plane, no additional information was given.

***************************End Section**************************************


They made two types of this simpler plane one with a blade adjuster and one without. These are very similar to the Stanley Defiance line (which didn’t come out unto the 1930’s)


Goodall-in-box  (this picture of the Goodall in the box is thanks to


And they also made a plane with a Bailey type frog. The frog and lateral along with the base has a striking resemblance to a type 2/3 Sargent frog but with the folded lateral.

The difference is the cap. Instead of a lever, it uses a cap screw.




After doing the research for this article, I’ve convinced myself the unknown plane I’ve had kicking around for several years is a Goodall prototype. The front knob, the rear tote, the blade and the frog retainer all have resemblances to close to be coincidental.


If you compare the cap on the unknown (on the bottom or the right in the pictures below) it to is exactly the same.



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