Stanley Defiance Line See Additional Examples at the bottom of the page
The Stanley Plane: A History And Descriptive Inventory
In 1929, Stanley introduced the Defiance tool line. Marked by less expensive, quality tools, the line included all the customary tools, braces, drills, hammers, levels, screwdrivers, squares and planes. By 1939, the line expanded to include awls, bevels, wood and metal chisels, a crowbar, drill bits and bit extensions, files, a hatchet, an ice pick, nail sets, pliers, punches, saw sets, tape measures, tin snips, vises, wrenches, zigzag folding rules and, by 1952, even a wedge vise. With the onset of the Great Depression, company officials sensed a large market of farmers and homeowners who wanted to do their own work with a cheaper, quality set of tools.
The Defiance #1203
Length 8” Cutter width 1 3/4″
Same as the #1204 except size
The Defiance line was made by Stanley, the Defiance line is the only plane I know of that had this “folded wing” style lateral. That and if the knob and tote profile matches (flat side, reddish stain, etc) and the frog matches, its a pretty good assumption it was made by Stanley in the Defiance line. Note: some of the late models had a folded later (see #1205 pictured) the same as the late Baileys.
If you’re trying to identify an unknown plane, It’s possible your plane was sold by another hardware store, and never was marked as a Defiance, but it would be a Stanley made plane from the Defiance line. I suspect they didn’t mark the whole line at times so it was easier to sell as other retailers.
The Defiance #1204
Length 9” Cutter width 2″
Note: Not all of these had the name stamped on the tote. Many you find will be unmarked.

The Defiance #1204C
1939 only
Length 9” Cutter width 2″
Same as the #1204 except corrugated

The Defiance #1205
Length 14” Cutter width 2″
Same as the #1204 except size: Not the folded lateral on this later model.

The Defiance #1205C
1939 only
Length 14” Cutter width 2″
Same as the #1205 except corrugated
The Defiance #1213
Length 9” Cutter width 1 3/4″ or 1 11/16″

The Defiance #1213 1/2
Length 9” Cutter width 1 3/4″ or 1 11/16″
The 1213 1/2 is not in Seller’s Book

The Defiance #1243
Length 8” Cutter width 1 3/4″
Same as the Defiance #1244 except size (pictures compliments of

The Defiance #1244
Length 9” Cutter width 2″

<—An Additional Defiance #1244—>
<—An Additional Defiance #1244—>
The Defiance #1245
Length 14” Cutter width 2″

Additional Examples
Defiance #1204 Smoothing Plane by Stanley
Defiance #1204 Smoothing Plane by Stanley
Defiance #1205 Jack Plane
Defiance #1213 1/2 by Stanley
Defiance #1213 by Stanley
Defiance #1244 by Stanley
Defiance #1244 by Stanley
Defiance #1245 Jack Plane by Stanley
Defiance #205 Block Plane by Stanley
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